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Super MasterClass No: 3


CFS/FM-Tiredness-exhaustion-repetitive ‘thinking’

Your ‘business’ & abundance is YOU firstly

EFT Healing inclusive! - The original tapping -

*Special GRAND MASTER MasterClass exclusive offer*

AU111 exchange - value energetically of 333 as I always pay it forward Masters 


Please email Anastacia at to reserve a space until payment is made, as payments are NOW OPEN for this -  and yes it can be made in two payments. Cut-off for payment-exchange is by 12am 17June2020 AEST.


In Australia:


Westpac Bank

BSB: 034215

Account  No: 800553

Account Name: Vacopotens



I AM guided LIVE with each SUPER MasterClass and was pleasantly surprised when this guidance came through so very clearly of what this will be ‘about’ 


Especially the EFT inclusive! This is very special as I have my own unique energy way of doing this with souls that is quite powerful on all layers and levels of clarity Pure Divine White Light Energy of Beyond and I will be guided on which area we will be doing this on-with as you can play this back for yourself in the future as well


Of New 888 Humonic Convergence Abundance codes for yourself to create the abundance you need hence the ‘Your ‘business’ & abundance is YOU firstly’. This will be linked with the EFT as guided for what to clear specifically, what a blessing!


As I will be sharing a little more in depth of a GRANDMASTER SUPER MasterClass *new* Offer during this - for those wanting to take that next step with creating or bringing out a ‘business’ with humanity/others LINKED with who and ALL you are, as YOU ARE your abundance 


So this will be for those that read the initial description alone and felt a pull of some sort, that is enough for you to know, feel and trust your Inner Divine Guidance 


I AM so looking forward to this Masters!


What will happen from here is, I will add you to the list when you email - when you pay this will secure your place - I will let you know closer to the 21Jun20 of the Zoom link and Password


As we all shine on…


As always I AM right here with you - Keeping it Raw and Real

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

I AM a Mirror of a Mirror of the Divine
‘If you react to my energy, you are welcome to the trigger of a healing for you’

144 New Light Paradigm Ascension Pioneer
Grand Master-Emotional Trailblazer-WaySEER
New Earth Energy Personal Transmuter
Grand Master-Arch Angel energies

Mother of Dragons
Divine Twin Flame Holder
Keeper of Christ Holy Grail-Dragon Higher Heart Energies
Emotional Energy Transmuter of both Spirit and Soul
WaySeer-Trailblazer of both Spirit and Soul
Personal Soul Messenger of the Akashic
Medical Intuitive
Blue Print Adjustment-Healing
Code Breaker-Creator of New Earth Energies
Of Two Souls
Divine Trinity Energies
Blue Ray 1 Monad Elder
Ancient-Future Scribe
Mother of Rainbow Dragons
Blue Beyond Guide
25th Yr Anniversary of Conscious Awakening 2020

Anastacia is a Grand Master in service to Humanity and Gaia in real-time experience as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer of 25yrs. A Rainbow Bridge with all of humanity bringing through new and unique Real-Time Energy updates-videos as a timeline of our New Ascension as New Earth Masters, with unique Blue Ray Transmissions.
To assist-guide others with their Divine to link from their Soul to their Spirit/Higher Self through their EMOTIONS - to progressively merge their Spirit/Higher Self into the human into Fifth Dimensional energies Zero Point, as New Ascending Earth Master’s

YouTube: Blue Beyond Guide

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