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WelcOme grANd masTeRs

Open to the divine energy is flowing to and through you ~ 

this space, held by Anastacia, is here to support your ascension journey:

1:1 divine Healings

Living Divine energy for  your soul's journey.

New eArth UpdateS

Receive monthly emails written in Unity Connection and Love.


Multi-month journeys to catalyze your soul growth

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Anastacia is a Grand Master in service to Humanity and Gaia in real-time experience as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer of 29 years.


A Rainbow Bridge with all of humanity bringing through new and unique Real-Time Energy updates as a timeline of our New Ascension as New Earth Masters, with unique Blue Ray Transmissions.


Anastacia assists and guides others with their Divine to link from their Soul to their Spirit/Higher Self through their EMOTIONS - to progressively merge their Spirit into the human into Fifth Dimensional energies as New Ascending Earth Masters.

Anastacia's Journey
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It's only been 48 hours and I truly can't fathom or put into words how I feel in this now moment. I have tears streaming down my face from the sheer joy for the amount of unconditional love flowing from my heart; for myself and life in general.


It is truly amazing how quickly one can change in less than 48 hours and some people don't believe in miracles lol.


I wish I could show you from my perspective just the severity of change that has happened inside of my being. That you may truly understand just how much of a blessing you are to this world.


I really can't thank you enough for helping me love me again!!!



EnergY updAteS

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